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"The Metamorphoses" penned by the Roman poet Ovid in 8 CE, stands as his crowning achievement. This epic poem offers a mythico-historical narrative that spans over 250 myths, presented in 15 books comprising a total of 11,995 lines, chronicling the history of the world from its inception to the deification of Julius Caesar. As one of the most influential works in Western culture, "The Metamorphoses" has served as a wellspring of inspiration for authors like Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio, Geoffrey Chaucer, and William Shakespeare. Countless episodes from this poem have been portrayed in various artistic forms, including sculpture, painting, and music, particularly during the Renaissance period.


Publius Ovidius Naso, commonly referred to as Ovid in English, was a Roman poet who thrived during the reign of Augustus. He belonged to the same era as Virgil and Horace, and these three poets are often considered the fundamental figures in Latin literature. Quintilian, an eminent scholar of the time, regarded Ovid as the final representative of Latin love elegists. Today, Ovid is primarily renowned for his work "Metamorphoses," a continuous narrative of mythology spanning fifteen books and written in dactylic hexameter. He is also noted for his compositions in elegiac couplets, including "Ars Amatoria" (The Art of Love) and "Fasti." Ovid's poetry saw widespread imitation during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, profoundly shaping Western art and literature. "Metamorphoses" stands as one of the most vital sources of classical mythology in contemporary times.



BOOK - I ...................................................................................................................... 7
BOOK - II .................................................................................................................. 31
BOOK - III ................................................................................................................ 56
BOOK - IV................................................................................................................. 75
BOOK - V ................................................................................................................ 101
BOOK - VI ............................................................................................................... 124
BOOK - VII ............................................................................................................. 149
BOOK - VIII ............................................................................................................ 176
BOOK - IX ............................................................................................................... 206
BOOK - X ................................................................................................................ 228
BOOK - XI ............................................................................................................... 255
BOOK - XII ............................................................................................................. 280
BOOK - XIII ........................................................................................................... 298
BOOK - XIV ........................................................................................................... 330
BOOK - XV ............................................................................................................. 348

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